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Our iTero Element 5D with itero NIRI (Near infa-red imaging Offers our Patients digital Impressions, Interproximal caries detection aid, No radiation, Comprehensive preventive and restorative oral care, scans sent to dental labs Instead of gooey Impressions these provide more accurate digital impressions.

This new technology improves the level of Dental care by providing our patients with a more comfortable and pleasant experience from start to finish.

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Did you know that it’s National Smile Month? National Smile Month is a campaign that takes place every year between May and June. In fact, it’s the UK’s largest oral health campaign.

This year, National Smile Month is being held between the 13th of May and the 13th of June. Want to know more about it? Read on!

What is National Smile Month?

National Smile month is run by the British Dental Health Foundation. They’re a charity whose goal is to raise awareness about the importance of oral health.

National Smile Month started in 1977 in the West Midlands. At first, it was called the “Smile 77″ project. Poet Pam Ayres wrote a poem called “I Wish I’d Looked After Me Teeth” for it, a poem that would later be voted as one of the nation’s favourite poems in a BBC poll. Smile 77 was held again the following year, and the year after that it was renamed to National Smile Week.

National Smile Week soon became National Smile Month, however. What’s more, in 2009, the campaign was held in the USA for the first time, when the British Dental Health Foundation partnered with oral health America to reach an estimated 180 million people. The slogan that year was “Brush for Health” and the campaign aimed to educate people about the link between poor oral health and other illnesses.

Currently, the campaign encourages stakeholders in the UK – including dentists, doctors, pharmacists, schools, and workplaces – to help communicate the message about the need for good oral health. Throughout National Smile Month, thousands of events are held across the UK to educate people about the importance of a healthy mouth.

What are the goals of National Smile Month?

The goal of National Smile Month is to improve the nation’s oral health. To do this, the campaign has three main messages, all of which are important for maintaining a healthy mouth.

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste. One of the times should be just before you go to bed.
  2. Limit the number of sugary foods and drinks that you consume, as well as the number of times per day that you consume them.
  3. Make sure to visit your dentist for regular checkups.

How can I take part in National Smile Month?

People can take part in National Smile Month in many ways. You can hold an event to raise awareness about oral health, for example, or you can fundraise for the British Dental Health Foundation. Another way you can take part is just by posting something on your social media feed. Even the smallest act can help to raise awareness about the importance of oral health. In the end, all the acts add up and hopefully have real change on the health of everyone’s teeth.


In this post, we’ve talked about National Smile Month, the largest oral health campaign in the UK. If you’d like to know more about it, then visit the campaign’s website at It has lots of information about the campaign, including what you can do to take part.


Toothaches are one of the worst pains that people can suffer from. They can be debilitating to those who have them and there’s unfortunately no cure other than going to a dentist.

The consequences of toothaches include:

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • A bad mood
  • Insomnia
  • Difficulty eating
  • Headaches
  • Inflammation
  • infections that may require antibiotics

In this post, we’ll discuss the causes of toothaches and what you can do if you have one.

What causes toothaches?

There are many causes of toothache, so it’s important to go to the dentist immediately so you can find out what’s causing it. Below, we’ll discuss the most common causes of toothache.

  • Fractures: A broken tooth, whether from playing sports, an accident or a nasty fall, will certainly cause pain. In the event of a broken tooth, see an emergency dentist as soon as possible because your prognosis depends on how quickly you receive treatment. The treatment will depend on the severity of the broken tooth. If the damage is small then only a small reconstruction might be needed. More extensive damage will require a crown, and in the worst scenario, the dentist will have to remove the whole tooth and replace it with an implant.
  • Cavities: One of the most common causes of toothache are cavities. When cavities are still in their early stages, they usually don’t cause any pain. But as they grow, they can become painful, especially if they reach a nerve. For this reason, it’s important that you go to a dentist for regular checkups. This way, the dentist can catch any cavities before they become serious.
  • Bruxism: Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is where a person involuntarily grinds their teeth. Sufferers of bruxism usually do it in their sleep, though it can also happen when you’re awake too. Many people suffer from bruxism and some aren’t even aware of it. It’s a serious problem because bruxism can wear down your teeth and cause headaches and toothaches. In extreme cases, your teeth can crack and fracture. To correct bruxism, most dentists recommend using a night guard.
  • Wisdom teeth: Your wisdom teeth have the ability to cause real pain since they’re large and they often don’t have space to erupt from your gums. If you’re suffering from wisdom teeth pain, then the only solution is to get your wisdom teeth removed.

How do I get rid of a toothache?

To alleviate a toothache, the only real solution is to go to a dentist. Your dental professional will be able to diagnose the problem and find a solution.

However, this advice isn’t very useful if you can’t see a dentist right away. If you want to alleviate your toothache now, try applying a cold press to the area. You can make a cold press out of ice, a towel and a plastic resealable bag. Simply put the ice in the bag with a bit of water, seal the bag and then wrap it in a towel. Finally, apply the towel to the area of your mouth that’s painful.

Another way to temporarily alleviate a toothache is with painkillers. Pharmacies sell over-the-counter painkillers, but be sure to get the advice of your doctor or pharmacist before you take them.

If you have a toothache, then we recommend making an appointment with Queensgate Dental Practice as soon as possible. To make an appointment, simply call us on 01282 428435.


This year Brahma wanted to do something different for Valentine’s Day, something you wouldn’t usually do.
He came up with the noble idea to ring the Blood donation hotline and on 14th Feb 2018 booked an appointment to donate a pint of Blood instead of having a pint of beer.
He urges all of us to cultivate this habit of donating blood regularly as donation not only helps patients in need but also helps in producing fresh new blood again.


Plaque is a yellowish substance that accumulates between our teeth. It’s perhaps the most common dental problem today, and if it’s not addressed, then it can also become quite a serious problem. This is because plaque can cause dental issues such as gingivitis, periodontitis, and tooth pain.

It’s important to know how to remove plaque from your teeth and also how to avoid it in the first place. So in this blog post, we’ll provide some tips on the causes of plaque and how to prevent plaque from ruining your smile.

What causes plaque?

Plaque occurs for various reasons. The main reasons are:

  • Consuming food and drink high in sugar, fat and acidity. This is one of the principal causes of plaque.
  • Poor dental hygiene. Plaque often occurs in people who fail to maintain a good oral hygiene routine, such as brushing your teeth twice a day.
  • Tobacco. Smokers often get plaque on their teeth because of the cigarettes they smoke.
  • Coffee. Sorry, coffee addicts – your risk of plaque also increases if you’re a coffee drinker.

How can I avoid plaque?

  • Maintain a good dental hygiene routine. To avoid plaque, it’s essential that you maintain a good dental hygiene routine. This includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day (once before you go to bed, and once during the day). Also, make sure to brush your gums as well as your teeth, because your gums can also harbour bacteria.
  • Floss. Something many people forget is dental floss. Floss is essential for good oral hygiene because it can remove plaque from between your teeth, which is place where your toothbrush can’t reach. So before or after brushing, use a piece of floss to remove plaque from between your teeth.
  • Eat less sugar. To avoid plaque, it’s also important to eat a diet low in sugar. Reduce the amount of sugar in your diet by cutting down on foods like sweets, chocolate, cakes and desserts.
  • Drink plenty of water. Drinking water throughout the day can also help to avoid plaque.

How can I remove plaque from my teeth?

One of the best ways to remove plaque is with your good old toothbrush and floss. By brushing twice a day and flossing every day, you can remove the plaque from your teeth on a daily basis. Also, consider getting an electric toothbrush – they’ve been proven to remove more plaque from teeth than regular toothbrushes.

However, sometimes plaque becomes so severe that it solidifies into tartar, and when this happens, no amount of brushing or flossing will remove it. In this case, the only way to remove it is with a visit to the dentist. The procedure to remove tartar is a scale and polish. In the first step, the dentist will scrape away the tartar from your teeth (the scaling), and in the second step, the dentist will polish your teeth to remove stains.

Even if you don’t have tartar on your teeth, it’s still a good idea to go the dentist regularly. A dentist can perform an in-depth examination of your teeth and can let you know if you have any plaque. If you’re concerned about plaque or tartar on your teeth, then don’t delay in making an appointment with us. We’re also here for your routine dental appointments – just contact one of our friendly receptionists on 01282 428435.

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Queensgate Dental Practice, 303 Colne Road, Burnley, Lancashire, BB10 1EJ


BY PHONE: 01282 428435


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